Sunday, April 21, 2013


We've had many thoughts and emotions rush through us throughout the week and some rather difficult to express. I don't think I will even try. I will say we are thankful for our blessings and perhaps more than ever, spring flowers.

Banner left from the marathon hanging over one of the mall exits towards Boylston St
SWAT, FBI, Police and military vehicles have been all over throughout the week.

Copley Square still blocked off for investigation.
All flags at half mast.
The corner Jeremy and I stood when we heard the blasts,  just a block from the explosions.
Jeremy stood near the "S" family meeting area and I by the "Z".
Memorial for those killed and injured at the bombings.
Looking west towards the finish line. The block surrounding Boylston Street is still an active crime scene.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I can't even imagine Jeremy. Been thinking of you and Rachel all week.