Thursday, February 20, 2014

Brooke: 2 Months

 Height: 21.25 inches
Weight: 9.69 pounds

We haven't had any cooing yet but we get lots of grinning, especially just after eating. She will often sleep through the night but we do get the occasional 3 am feeding. She has improved her eating skills, but hasn't quite perfected them; we still have to pause several times if I don't want to wear everything she's just put down. She does a great job lifting her head but hates tummy time. Other than that, she is still just "a boring baby" -Dad. I threw in some comparison pics of her and Brin at this age for all of you that keep asking.

Brin's hair
Brooke's hair
Brin                                                              Brooke

We sure love our little Brooke.

Brooke: 1 month

Height: 20 inches
Weight: 9.12 pounds

Brooke has been a great baby, she usually sleeps most the night with one or two feedings. Eating isn't coming quite as easily; she likes sucking in big gulps of air as she goes so we have to stop frequently to get out a burp every couple of minutes. Brin loves having her little Bookie around and stops mid play to rush over and give her a kiss.

Sweet girls 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

An Empire State of Mind

Over Valentine's Day weekend we headed out to see out good friends in New York. It was so much fun to spend time with them and relax. Thank you again Joanne and family!

The Weather Outside is Frightful

This winter has been quite an adventure! It seems like each week we get a new batch of snow. This has made for some fun evenings making snowmen, or as Brinley calls them "snowies," sledding at the only hill in the South End, or--Jeremy's favorite--commuting back and forth to work.